Who is the Right Candidate for Prostate Artery Embolisation ?

The prostate gland keeps growing throughout life, beginning from puberty until you get older. If the prostate gland grows in a larger size which is non-cancerous, it can make life miserable. This is called benign prostatic hypertrophy (BPH) and it exerts more pressure on the bladder. As a result, you experience urinary problems. Prostate artery embolization (PAE) is a minimally invasive procedure used to reduce the signs of BPH and improve the quality of life. The PAE procedure uses X-rays and other imaging methods to view the inside of the body and treat the condition.

Who Can Undergo Prostate Artery Embolization?

If the prostate gland grows larger in size, it can block the urethra and cause frustrating urinary tract signs. The PAE is suitable in the following cases:

  • Medications do not work: If medications do not help to treat BPH and if they are causing side effects, PAE can be your choice.
  • Want to have minimally invasive treatment: Surgery is the most common solution for BPH but everyone may not be interested to have surgery. Recovering from surgery takes a long time and can even cause risks or complications. If you are not willing to undergo surgery due to these reasons, you can go with PAE.
  • Experience urinary tract symptoms: Urinary tract signs such as frequent urination, strains while urinating, dribbling urine at the end of urination, etc. can indicate the need for PAE.

How Does the Doctor Determine That I am Suitable for Prostate Artery Embolization?

The prostate artery embolization will be performed by an interventional radiologist who uses images of X-rays and other imaging techniques to view the interior of your body. To determine if you are suitable for PAE, the doctor will conduct an exam. He will also ask about the signs of BPH, their severity, and how they are affecting your life.

The radiologist uses the following tests to know if you are suitable for PAE:

  • Urinalysis
  • A rectal test to know the size of the prostate gland
  • A prostate-specific antigen (PSA) test to eliminate prostate cancer
  • Ultrasound or MRI scans of the prostate gland

What Happens During Prostate Artery Embolization?

The radiologist makes a small incision or pinhole in the groin or wrist. Through the incision, the radiologist inserts a catheter into the artery of the wrist. From there, the radiologist guides the catheter to the blood vessels that supply blood to the prostate gland. Now an arteriogram is conducted to insert tiny round particles into the blood vessel to block the blood supply to the prostate. Now, the catheter will be removed and the whole steps will be repeated on the other side of the prostate. The procedure takes up to four hours and eventually the prostate shrinks and reduces your signs.

What Happens After PAE Process?

More than 90% of men who had PAE notice improvements in their signs in a year and can get back to their normal life. The recovery time is also shorter when compared to surgery for treating BPH. With PAE, you experience fewer urinary symptoms and will have a better quality of life.

Want to Know If You are Suitable for PAE? Contact Dr Pradyumna Reddy Today

If you are experiencing severe signs of BPH and want to know if you can have PAE, Dr Pradyumna Reddy can help you. Dr Pradyumna Reddy specializes in prostate artery embolization and has helped several patients to relieve the signs of BPH. He has over 6 years of experience as an interventional radiologist in Hyderabad. When you visit Dr Pradyumna Reddy, your search for an interventional radiologist ends here. You are just a click away from scheduling an appointment with Dr Pradyumna Reddy to discuss your condition.