How Uterine Fibroids affect Pregnancy ?

how uterine fibroids affects pregnancy

Uterine fibroids are benign tumours that grow in the muscle tissues of the uterus. Uterine fibroids are common in women and they are not cancerous. They may also grow in the uterine cavity, outside the uterine wall, or around the uterine wall. Around 20 to 80% of women will have fibroids by the age of 50. Detecting uterine fibroids during pregnancy can be difficult as the uterine muscle becomes thick during pregnancy.

In most cases, uterine fibroids do not cause any harm to the pregnancy. But in some cases, women with fibroids may have complications. Whether you need treatment for fibroids is based on the size and shape of the fibroids.

Signs of Uterine Fibroids

The following are some of the common signs of uterine fibroids:

  • Urinating frequently
  • Heavy bleeding
  • A feeling of fullness in the lower stomach portion
  • Pain during sexual intercourse
  • Lower back pain 
  • Infertility
  • Pregnancy complications

Does Fibroids Affect Fertility?

In most cases, fibroids do not cause any harm to fertility. But, in some cases, based on the size and shape of the fibroids, they might affect fertility due to:

  • Changes in the shape of the cervix, restricting the sperm from entering the uterus
  • Changes in the shape of the uterus that affects the movement of sperm and embryo
  • Fallopian tubes may get blocked due to fibroids
  • Changes in the size of the uterus lining
  • Blood flow to the uterus gets effected

Will Fibroids Affect My Pregnancy?

Most women do not face any issues with fibroids during pregnancy. But a few people might develop issues with fibroids during pregnancy such as:

  • Fetal growth: If the fibroids are large in size, the fetus may not be able to grow properly due to the reduced space.
  • Preterm delivery: Fibroids can increase your chances of early delivery as the pain due to fibroid causes uterine contractions.
  • Placenta abruption: The fibroid may block the uterine wall and as a result, the placenta breaks from the uterine wall. It can be a serious condition as the baby will not be able to get enough oxygen and nutrients.
  • C-section: Research has shown that women who have fibroids have higher chances of caesarean delivery than other women.
  • Miscarriage: Women with fibroids have high chances of a miscarriage. The chances of miscarriages are even high if you have multiple fibroids.
  • Baby position: As the shape of the uterine cavity becomes abnormal, the baby’s position is not aligned well and there may not be a chance of vaginal delivery.

How are Uterine Fibroids Treated During Pregnancy?

There are several options to treat uterine fibroids during pregnancy. Due to an increase in hormones during pregnancy, fibroids can even larger. To prevent this, the doctor suggests bed rest. The doctor also focuses on giving medications such as hormonal birth control, and hormone therapy. In some cases, surgery might be performed to remove them.

Uterine fibroid embolization is the surgical procedure used to treat uterine fibroids. The procedure uses a device called fluoroscopy to look at the uterus and blood vessels. The procedure focuses on blocking the blood vessels that supply fibroids. As a result, fibroids shrink.

Visit Dr Pradyumna Reddy to Treat Uterine Fibroids

If you are trying to conceive and have signs of uterine fibroids, visit Dr Pradyumna Reddy today. He has over 6 years of experience in offering radiology services in Hyderabad. He has helped several patients suffering from uterine fibroids with a high success rate. He offers his services at a very affordable cost so that everyone can avail his services. To schedule an appointment, call us today or drop us an email.